Veteran Sphinges know that Citings come but once a week (or less). However, it isn't every week that 22 new, wonderful members of a family fall into your lap – so enjoy a special Arts & Crafts edition of Sphinx Citings!
In short, EVERYONE was cited welcoming and herding our candidates through the third round. Though the candidates were horribly insolent and incapable of even the most basic tasks – thus necessitating copious amounts of bad juice – they were somehow able to cover the campus in an impressive display of "Sphinx" chalkings.
(Unfortunately, a trashy neighborhood gang of a name not worth mentioning took it upon themselves to deface many of these Picassos. Sphinges took solace in the words of a familiar chant which very clearly points out that such elements are "losers," clearly the worst possible existence out of "dorks, geeks, and snorks." They also demonstrated an enviable amount of grace and respect, taking care never to write over the chalkings of other groups which may have been around campus that evening.)
In the end, 22 of 22 third round candidates were asked to join the society - an impressive achievement considering how all of Ezra's candidates were eliminated in the fall for general ineptness (or so the candidates of Ezra's group were told). A little part of each Sphinge was sad to say goodbye to the old group as they knew it, but a much bigger part was ecstatically excited to see what their amazing new counterparts would do for the group and for the University.
After gathering sleep and recovering from Mad4 Happy Hour on Tuesday, the Sphinges all signed up for at least one shift for Sphinx's Darfur Sit-In from Wednesday to Thursday. They logged in to with the login "36hours.fordarfur" and used the password "savedarfur" They were excited to attend their shifts, rain or shine, and demonstrate Sphinx's commitment to the school and to greater social causes. They also looked forward to upcoming information about other Sphinx events, including the spring banquet and Healey's meet & greet dinners.
See y'all real soon,
-Sphinx Citer
Congratulations to the following new Sphinges:
Sarah Waxman, Jason Karsh, Rob Medina, Laura Paine, Jon Weiner, Shirley Liang, Alex Hirsch, Gina Owino, Samir Sheth, Jun Li, Nick Watson, Samir Malik, Austin Peña, Sarah Abroms, Jack Abraham, Kevin Rurak, Jazzy Fournier, Max Cancre, Puneet Singh, Shawn Safvi, David Helfeinbein, Stacie Smith
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